July 21, 2022
MEDASSET and the partners of the project ‘Experiences and Knowledge Sharing for Building Strong and Maintaining Collaborations between Fishery Observers and the Fishing Community’ invite you to participate in the ‘Experiences and Knowledge Sharing International Workshop’ which will take place online via Zoom on July 26th, 10.00 – 14:15 CET.
Click here to join via Zoom or use this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84628632401
Languages: English & French. Translation provided by Podium. www.podium.gr
‘Experiences and Knowledge Sharing for Building Strong and Maintaining Collaborations between Fishery Observers and the Fishing Community’ is a collaborative project which brings together national observer teams and fishers taking part in the MedBycatch project through National and International workshops and other targeted activities. The experiences and knowledge obtained by the observers that have been working for the MedBycatch project and collaborating with fishers for many years is invaluable. The project aims to create opportunities, so that experiences and deep insights gained from the observer programmes can be shared and replicated nationally and internationally.
Together with Vicky Rae, MEDASSET Project Manager (Greece) and the Ambassadors of the National observer teams, Aymane Khaili & Nouh Lahmam (Morocco), Rihab Louhichi & Wael Koched (Tunisia) and Cansu İlkılınç, Banu Serin & Denizcan Durgun (Türkiye).
‘Bycatch is a key threat for Mediterranean biodiversity. We work together to reduce bycatch in many countries through building and maintaining strong collaborations with fishers. During this workshop, we will have the opportunity to learn and reflect on some of the best practices and share advice and tools which will help us continue this valuable collaboration for many years to come’, said Miss Vicky Rae, MEDASSET Scientific Officer and Project Manager.
The project is being implemented by SPA/RAC, WWF Turkey, WWF Med, Birdlife Europe & Central Asia, TUDAV , DEKAMER, Doga Dernegi, AAO/Birdlife Tunisia , INRH, ACCOBAMS and MEDASSET and funded by MAVA Foundation.
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