
Species Knowledge

Support mechanism for filling key knowledge gaps for vulnerable species impacted by fisheries in selected areas of the Mediterranean

A spinoff project to the M4 Multi-Taxa ‘MedBycatch project. Ιt’s main aim is to address knowledge gaps of vulnerable species’ distribution, range, migratory routes and their habitat use, as featured in the ‘Bycatch’ project. The information obtained from the research will feed into the ‘MedBycatch’ project to assist with the spatial and temporal analysis of vulnerable species and fisheries interactions. In addition, data collected will also be used to help identify potential new areas for designation of protection.

The Steering Committee, SC (including MEDASSET) consists of ACCOBAMS, Birdlife International, IUCN-Med, MAVA Foundation and SPA/RAC, with input from external experts. An initial analysis of the available information and previous research on species distribution has been conducted by the SC for their affiliated species, to highlight knowledge gaps and steer the focus of work needed to be carried out. A call for project proposals has been issued to address this work and applications received  were assessed by the Steering Committee. Each proposal was able to apply for up to 80,000 Euros and will be completed by November 2021 to co-inside with the ‘Bycatch’ project.

  • Country EUTunisia
  • Approach Research
  • Theme Fisheries

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