
Thank you for donating to MEDASSET. We appreciate your interest in our work and will keep you up to date about it on a regular basis. We hope you will follow us on social media and consider telling your friends and family about how important it is to protect marine biodiversity!

  • You may proceed by clicking on the PayPal button below.
  • If you would like to make a bank deposit please transfer the amount to any of the 3 MEDASSET accounts at Alpha Bank, depending on your currency preference:

• For pounds sterling:  IBAN GR47 0140 1240 1240 2500 1000 093
• For US dollars:           IBAN GR60 0140 1240 1240 1500 9000 080
• For Euros:                   IBAN GR15 0140 1240 1240 0200 2007 244