To celebrate World Turtle Day on May 23, 2012, MEDASSET enlisted the support of XL Advertising Communication to create an innovative poster for our campaign to raise awareness about the devastating effects of plastic bags on marine life: “You See the Difference. A Turtle Does Not.” Two days after its launch on Facebook, the image went viral and has since been seen by millions throughout the world!
We were overwhelmed by the number of groups and institutions that got in touch asking to share the poster: organizations, schools, universities, museums, NGOs and aquariums continue to pass our message to the international community, and it has so far been translated into thirteen languages!

The Leatherback exhibit at The Vienna Museum of Natural History
The poster has found a permanent home in the National Aquarium in Plymouth, U.K., The Institut Oceanographique in Monaco, and the Leatherback exhibit in The Vienna Natural History Museum. It has also been adopted by The Rotterdam Museum in the Netherlands, The Leatherback Trust in Costa Rica, The Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Network (WIDECAST), and The International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) throughout the Indian Ocean.
In particular we would like to acknowledge the support of Athens International Airport, for sponsoring the installation of large banners on their premises during August 2012. We do thank all the above for their assistance and enthusiasm in promoting our poster and its message across the globe.