
Get Informed. The time is Now!

This is an environmental education program aiming at enhancing our relationship with marine environment and promoting good environmental practices. Our oceans, seas and coasts along with marine species suffer great pressure from uncontrolled human activities (marine litter, coastal habitat degradation etc.). Most people remain indifferent in front of these problems, partly due to daily life difficulties, partly due to lack of proper information. 

This program, developed by MEDASSET, explains how nature can make us happy and how we can easily change our daily habits for the benefit of the environment. Through group activities, we enrich both knowledge and feelings, targeting behavioral change. 

This is an adult experiential learning program, suited for firm employees, educators, undergraduate students etc. The program can be realized indoors or outdoors, combined with a beach cleanup. 

Duration: approx. 1hour

  • Country Greece
  • Approach Education

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