Project Description
The aim of the project “Fishers, Sea turtles and Sharks: Alliance for Survival” was to study and mitigate the impacts of bycatch and ghostfishing on the sea turtle and shark populations in Greece, through awareness, capacity building and cooperation with stakeholders in the fisheries sector. The project will focus on 5 important ports of Greece, which cover a major part of the country’s fishing activity. Besides, fishing activity in the wider area of these ports coincides with 5 significantly protected areas that are under high pressure and need to be studied and conserved.
- Expected Result
The main expected result of the project was an increase in the number of people in the fishing industry and the control authorities that can identify shark and sea turtles species, are aware of the need and legal obligations to protect them, as well as of the methods of safe release from different fishing equipments.
Monitoring of fishing activities and gradual disengagement from unsustainable fishing techniques is expected to have long-term positive impacts on the condition in fishing reserves, target-species and hence for biodiversity and the local economy.
- Methodology
A common harmonized methodological approach was chosen, which developed through two lines of actions: the first aimed at enhancing existing knowledge on the status of the target species, fish stocks and relevant perceptions of stakeholders; and the second one included actions to raise awareness among fishers and control authorities on the impacts of non-selective fishing methods and gears, as well as to train fishers in handling and releasing entangled species.
Have a look at the project’s desk review (in Greek)
The project “Fishers, Sea turtles and Sharks: Alliance for Survival» was funded under the financial program of the Green Fund “Natural Environment and Innovative Actions”, Strand “Natural Environment Management Actions”, Measure “Innovative Actions with Citizens”, Budget: €49.690, Beneficiary: MEDASSET, Partner: iSea