January 9, 2023
MEDASSET (Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles) is participating at the 7th Ecosystem Approach Coordination Group and MAP Focal Points Meetings of the United Nations Environmental Program in order to review the progress achieved for the protection of the marine environment and its habitats during the 2018-2019 biennium by the Mediterranean Action Plan-Barcelona Convention.
The Meeting is taking place from 09 – 13 September 2019 at Divani Caravel Hotel.
Specifically, MEDASSET expressed its concerns with respect to the Mediterranean Offshore Oil exploration and drilling guidelines and Standards and noted that stands in favor of stricter limits on pollution guidelines for the adequate protection of the Specially Protected Areas, especially the nesting areas of the Caretta caretta.
The provisional agenda of the UNEP/MAP Focal Points Meeting covers the below topics:
- GOVERNANCE: Contracting Parties supported in the implementation of the Barcelona Convention, its Protocols, Regional Strategies and Action Plans.
- LAND AND SEA-BASED POLLUTION: strengthening regional implementation of the obligations under the Barcelona Convention and four pollution-related Protocols, and of programmes of measures in existing relevant Regional Strategies and Action Plans
- BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEMS: strengthening regional implementation of the obligations under the Barcelona Convention, and its relevant Protocols and other instruments.
- LAND AND SEA INTERACTIONS AND PROCESSES: development of new action plans, programmes of measures, common standards and criteria, guidelines.
- INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT (ICZM): strengthening regional implementation of the obligations under the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols, and of programmes of measures in existing Regional Strategies and Action Plans.
- SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION (SCP): enhanced cooperation at regional, sub-regional and national levels to prevent and control marine pollution
- CLIMATE CHANGE: strengthening the regional implementation of the obligations under the BC and its Protocols, and of programmes of measures in existing Regional Strategies and Action Plans
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