December 10, 2020
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Nesting beaches in Southern Kyparissia Bay now host the highest number of loggerhead nests in the Mediterranean. Although the beaches belong to an EU NATURA 2000 site, the Greek government has failed to introduce and enforce the necessary conservation and management measures, three years after the Bern Convention Recommendation (Dec. 2014) and two years after the condemning Judgment of the European Court of Justice (Nov. 2016). Although the Greek Government adopted a Presidential Decree in October 2018 affording legal protection to the site, little progress was made to implement the Bern Convention Recommendation. MEDASSET, together with 13 other environmental organisations has reiterated the urgent need for the enforcement of a Management Plan before May 2019, as the Presidential Decree does not address several major issues. At the 2018 Bern Convention Standing Committee meeting, MEDASSET presented in collaboration with ARCHELON the continued degradation of the site and its inadequate management during summer 2018. Threats included sand dune destruction, further planting on the nesting beach and dunes, nearshore fishing, vehicle access on the nesting beach, lack of beach furniture management and light pollution.
Decision: “The Standing Committee noted that the Presidential Decree does not seem to entirely cover Recommendation No. 174 (2014), in particular regarding the setting and implementation of management measures for the area. The Committee decided to keep the Case File open and encouraged Greece to fully implement its Recommendation.”
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