June 1, 2023
Please view the final evaluation of the MAVA M4M5 OAP, part of which is the MedBycatch project.
The MedBycatch project (2017 – 2022) aimed to provide knowledge, skills and tools for the following high level result to be achieved: By 2022 the impact of selected fishing gears on vulnerable species and habitats is reduced in four separate geographic areas of the Mediterranean Sea (Alboran Sea; Sicily Channel; Central Aegean, Levantine Basin & Adriatic Sea [2021-2022]). On-the ground activities took place in Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, [Croatia and Italy 2021-2022].
[wonderplugin_pdf src=”https://medasset.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/22_MAVA_OAP_M4M5_EN_V5.pdf” width=”100%” height=”600px” style=”border:0;”]
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