January 9, 2023
2019 is a special year for the “Bern Convention”.
Signed in 19th September 1979, it was the first International Treaty to protect both species and their natural habitats. The Bern convention was established by the Council of Europe, it is signed by 50 countries in the European Union and aims to conserve wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats, as well as to promote European co-operation in this field.
Bern Convention is now 40 years old and is celebrating this milestone with 40 40 inspiring stories which highlight the essential value this treaty brings for the conservation of our natural heritage.
The campaigns main pillars are:
- Protecting biodiversity to maintain the delicate balance between the species in our ecosystems.
- Tackling environmental challengessuch as climate change, invasive species and harmful human activities.
- Raising public awarenessand actively involving citizens in the protection of our natural heritage.
- Preserving our natural habitatsand their vital role in hosting numerous species of animals and plants
Take a glimpse at https://www.bernconvention40years.com/#40-Years-of-the-Bern-Convention for more inspiring biodiversity stories.
MEDASSET is a permanent observer member of Bern convention since 1988, reporting on the conservation status of Sea Turtles and their habitats in the Mediterranean.(https://medasset.org/meet-medasset/).
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